St Paul's Newsletter: Thursday 19 August, 2021
2021 St Paul's Newsletter - Term 3, Week 6
From the Principal
Dear Families,
Lockdowns are harder for some people than others, especially in our community when some people are still dealing with the fallout from the recent storms. The ABC News Website published a story this week about "Lockdown Fatigue".
The article discussed how National Mental Health Commission chief executive Christine Morgan recently stated on Melbourne radio, "We've used up if you like, all of our emotional reserves".
I hope that you are able to take some time for yourself, and look after yourself, as we live through incredibly challenging times.
Source: Big lockdown breaches make news, but smaller transgressions can be just as costly
Remote and Flexible Learning Continues
I am extremely proud of our St Paul's community. Resilience, understanding, patience, selflessness, support and compassion are some of the words that come to mind when thinking of the reactions I have experienced to the frustration of our Remote and Flexible Learning. I encourage us to do our best to keep this positive outlook.
Our latest School Operations Guide stipulates the following guidelines for planning learning programs:
For students in Prep to Grade 2, schools will provide learning programs that include the following as a minimum:
o literacy activities that take a total of about 45-60 minutes
o numeracy activities of about 30-45 minutes
o additional learning areas, play-based learning and physical activity of about 30-45 minutes.
For students in Grades 3 to 6 and Years 7 to 10, schools will provide learning programs that include the following, as a minimum:
o Literacy: 45-60 minutes
o Numeracy: 30-45 minutes
o Physical activities: 30 minutes
o Additional curriculum areas: 90 minutes
During a regular school day we have food breaks, recess and lunch breaks, students working in groups and school events such as Mass, assemblies, school sport, excursions, incursions, and the list goes on. Along with learning the 'core subjects' our timetable adds up to a school day/week/term rich in learning experiences.
With our Remote and Flexible learning programs, we provide what we believe is an inclusive model of delivery that enables all students to learn, however the learning program will not take a full day because there are no 'extras' that the students get at school. Teachers plan for four days worth of 'core' subjects in line with the Operations Guide. On top of this, we expect students to engage in specialist class activities, social/emotional learning and religious education. For some families, you might set aside one day to complete the specialist classes and other curriculum areas, then on the other days complete the core subjects, but we know what works for some may not work for others! We know you are doing your best, and we appreciate this very much.
We have taken on board all previous feedback received from parents, both formal and informal, and we are interested in gaining your insights once again.
REMOTE AND FLEXIBLE LEARNING PARENT SURVEY: We wish to support our students and families in Remote and Flexible Learning as best as we possibly can. To assist our ongoing planning, we would be grateful if you could respond to our 2021 Remote and Flexible Learning Term 3 survey (link below).
You can answer a different survey for each child, or you can answer the survey for your family. There is an opportunity for comments at the end of the survey.
If you wish to complete separate surveys, feel free to open a new copy of the survey for each child.
The survey will close at 9am on Monday 23 August.
Learning Pack Collection, for Monday 23 - Friday 27 August, will occur from 2:00pm - 3:00pm this Friday 20 August.
As per previous lockdowns, Learning Grids will be uploaded to our Remote Learning Site on Sunday and published in the afternoon for families. We will notify you via email and SZApp when the learning is published.
Authorised worker permits for on-site supervision
The rules on school attendance have tightened. I must admit, this is very difficult in many ways, but we need to follow the rules. The following text is copied and pasted directly from page 5-6 of the latest School Operations Guide.
Based on advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer, schools in metropolitan Melbourne will continue with remote and flexible learning until Thursday 2 September, except for students in the following categories:
Category A
Children where both parents and or carers are considered authorised workers who cannot work from home, work for an essential provider and where no other supervision arrangements can be made:
o Where there are two parents/carers, both must be essential workers, working outside the home in order for their children to be eligible for on-site provision.
o For single parents/ carers, the essential worker must be working outside the home in order for their children to be eligible for on-site provision.
Category B
• Children experiencing vulnerability, including:
o in out-of-home care
o deemed vulnerable by a government agency, funded family or family violence service, and assessed as requiring education and care outside the family home
o identified by a school or early childhood service as vulnerable, (including via referral from a government agency, or funded family or family violence service, homeless or youth justice service or mental health or other health service)
o where a parent/carer indicates that a student with a disability (special needs) is vulnerable because they cannot learn from home.
From Wednesday 18 August, parents and carers will only be able to request on-site
supervision for their child/ren in Category A if they hold a permit as an authorised worker.
Schools should make the updated on-site attendance form available to parents/carers who
require on-site learning for their child/ren. A copy of a permit/s must be submitted as soon
as practicable after issuance for those seeking Category A on-site supervision. A
permit is not required for accessing on-site supervision under Category B.
In rare circumstances a parent/carer does not need a worker permit. This includes law
enforcement, emergency services or health care workers who carry employer-issued
photographic identification.
These are tough rules, but we need to stick to them. Thank you for your continued understanding and support.
Lunch Clubs are BACK! Students have the opportunity to connect online with a variety of lunchtime activities. Please see further in the newsletter for the flyer.
Community Quiz - "Watt's The Answer?"
You are invited to join in this fun community activity. "Watt's The Answer" is a 15 question quiz where students and/or families can sit down and attempt each question. There are a mixture of general knowledge questions, Olympics questions, riddles and also a few questions about our sensational school.
Students have also been sent the quiz directly to their student email. We have done our best to find questions for everybody, all age groups, but parents are very welcome, and encouraged to assist, where you can.
Entrants must complete the Google Form by 12:00pm Friday.
At 12:00pm Friday we will run a Google Meet - stpquiz - where we will run through the answers.
ANY student that:
*Completes the quiz before 12:00pm AND also logs into the Google Meet at 12:00pm will be placed into a draw to win a prize!
- 1st Prize = $20 Friends on the Hill Voucher
- 2nd Prize = $10 Friend on the Hill Voucher
- 3rd Prize = $5 Friends on the Hill Voucher
Prizes will be drawn at the end of the Google Meet on Friday. You must complete all 15 questions, as well as be live on Google Meet, in order to claim a prize.
Parents can CLICK HERE to open the "Watt's The Answer" Google Form
School Events: Book Week and Father's Day
BOOK WEEK: Earlier this week I sent an update to parents, and at the conclusion of that email, I explained that due to us being off-site on 27 August the Book Week themed free dress day was cancelled. However, after further consideration - do we really need to CANCEL? NO!!! We can re-jig the day!
On Friday 27 August, your child might like to dress up anyway! Even if they are at home. At 12:00pm on Friday 27 August we will hold a live "Read To" via Google Meet, highlighting one of the Book Week featured books. We encourage the students to dress up and join us for the "Read To" Google Meet. Students that are on-site can wear free dress/book week dress up.
FATHER'S DAY: Sunday 5 September is Father's Day. We had scheduled/planned to hold a Father's Day Stall in the week before Father's Day, but unfortunately due to the current circumstances the Father's Day Stall is cancelled for this year.
Send Through Your Photos
At our Prayer Gathering Assembly last Monday, I talked about how wonderful it is to see our community so engaged in their Remote and Flexible Learning programs. The programs our teachers are putting together are of a very high standard, and as a staff we know that the students need guidance and support from their parents at home in order to complete the work, so it is a true team effort.
This effort should be celebrated! We will dispaly a short slideshow of the photos at our next Prayer Gathering. I invite our parents and students to send me a photo of a Remote and Flexible Learning highlight. This could be:
- A photo of a student completing a task
- A work sample/task that you have completed that you are really proud of
- A photo of students and parents working together
- Any other idea for a photo that shows a highlight of your Remote and Flexible Learning
If you are willing and able to contribute a photo, please send your photo to
Last year we did similar things to this where we collected photos for various occasions, and unfortunately, some of those photos went into my spam or never reached my email! Not sure why... however, if you send me a photo, I definitely will reply to you within a couple of hours to confirm that I received it. We would hate for someone to miss out on their photo being shown. If you send me a photo but do not receive a reply from me within 2 hours, please contact me.
MACSSIS Postponed – new live survey window in October
This year’s Melbourne Archdioces Catholic Schools School Improvement Surveys live window scheduled for Monday 30 August to Friday 17 September 2021 will now be postponed to October 2021.
Due to the significant interruptions posed to schools by the current COVID lockdown, and after careful consideration of several factors including extensive feedback from school communities, MACSSIS will be postponed to the period from Thursday 7 October to Thursday 28 October 2021.
Kind regards,
Michael Watt
SCHOOL MUSICAL - SHREK Jnr: Tuesday 26 October
Student Wellbeing
Oral Language- Questions
Many schools are finding a decrease in Oral Language skills in the wake of Remote Learning periods. Sadly, our kids are not experiencing the rich, diverse conversations (learning concepts or social behaviours) that they normally would whilst onsite at school with peers. This flyer has some simple information to support families when it comes to 'asking questions'.
Our children have so many questions, but are they asking them? How do adults respond to the questions? During lockdown, consider when your children are asking questions and what type of questions.
Our world can be a little scary for children, and adults, especially with so much media currently in our homes. Take the time to talk with your children and respond to their questions. We will not always know the answer, but let's promote the amazing WONDERINGS!
More information in coming newsletters exploring how to engage children in conversations.
Lunch Clubs are BACK!!!
From the School Office
CDF PAY Online School Shop - Update
Once again we have had to suspend the ordering for Sushi Day (Friday, 27 August) until we have confirmation that it can go ahead. We will notify you of any further changes as they come to hand.
Prep Families - School Entry Health Questionaire
A reminder to Prep parents that it is not too late to return the School Entry Health Questionnaire to school. If at all possible, could you please return the completed Questionnaire to school this week when collecting your child's next Learning Pack. You can either give it to your child's class teacher, leave it in your child's locker or drop it in to the school office. If you do not wish for your child to participate, could you please tick the no consent box and sign on page 5 before returning the form to school. Thank you.
Thank You!
A member of our St Paul's community has taken the time to nominate us for this wonderful prize - fingers crossed!
Uniform Shop
Ross Haywood Sports - Update:
St Paul's Online Uniform Shop
For in-store purchases RH Sports are located at 12/100 New St, Ringwood (subject to any COVID restrictions in force at the time).
The store is now a CASHLESS STORE, EFTPOS transactions will be the only acceptable method of purchase. Recent changes to improve the health and safety of staff and customers include perspex screens at the registers and the supply of hand sanitiser. We ask that customers please apply this on entry to the store.
Online ordering continues as normal with all delivery options available including contactless pick up. Please phone the store on 9870 1377 if you have any further queries.
Secondhand Uniform Shop - Now Open
Our secondhand uniform shop is managed by Kylie Storer with items being purchased by gold coin donation. If you are looking for items of secondhand uniform please feel free to text Kylie on 0430 546 611 with your wish list. Kylie will usually be at school on Thursday mornings to fill orders. Items can be sent home via class tubs or collected from the school office.
The secondhand uniform shop welcomes donations of St Paul's current school uniform items which are still in good condition. We do not accept the old St Paul's round neck jumpers, yellow shirts or non-St Paul's items. If you have any current uniform items you no longer need please feel free to leave your donations at the school office.
Out of School Hours Care: OSH Club
Enrolments, Bookings and Enquiries
Parents will need to enrol with OSHClub. Please visit and click on "REGISTER". You will need to enrol with the Monbulk Primary School service.
Community Notices
Transition Information
To assist your decision making in relation to your child's education for 2022 and beyond, please find below a link to the 136 page March 2021 edition of the Catholic Education Guide.
Mater Christi College – Belgrave
Mater Christi College is a vibrant, inclusive and warm community where girls feel safe and build supportive lifelong friendships. After another year of leading academic and vocational outcomes, we are experiencing a surge in demand for places.
Parents of Grade 5 students are strongly encouraged to secure a place for Year 7 2023. Visit the College website to apply or arrange a tour.
Families seeking enrolment for 2022 should contact the College Registrar 9754 6611 asap.
2021 Edition of the Enrolments Guide for Parents
To assist your decision making in relation to your child's education for 2022 and beyond, please find below a link to the 2021 edition of the Enrolments Guide.